Cell phone use distracts citizens from their responsibility as a driver to keep themselves and others around them safe. The distractive use of phones creates more vehicle accidents that often result in injury or unfortunately even, death. The new laws implemented to prohibit driving while using a cell phone, will help to limit, or even terminate, the amount of cell phone caused driving accidents. The implementation of these new driving laws will allow drivers to refocus their attention back onto the task of driving. By not being able to use their phones, drivers can devote better attention to where they are going, their speed, and other cars near them. Driving is a visual task that often requires the driver to make fast decisions under pressure Distracted driving, due to cell phone use, limits the attention and visual recognition of danger by the driver. Drivers using their phones will be less likely to make quick, safe decisions under pressure. They will also have a more difficult time registering unsafe driving conditions, such as: road construction, potholes, harmful weather, reckless drivers, or traffic crashes. The new laws, prohibiting cell phone use, ensure that drivers will devote more focus to