Diversity In Nursing

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Pages: 4

Ever since I was five years old I can remember people asking me “ what would you like to be when you grow up?” my answer didn’t change much it was first veterinarian because what young girl doesn’t love animals and wants to play and care for them. I remember I would always make my own make believe remedies to cure my “patients” my soft playful poodle dog name princess to my caring family. Helping others has been one quality I can say I was born with. As time passed I started to say I want to be a nurse just like aunt Betty, but in reality she wasn’t my aunt Betty but an amazing nurse that came to take care of my grandmother or, as I would call her “nana.” In December 19, 2002 my grandmother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease on top of many …show more content…
Equality is important in a society such as the one found in a country such as ours due to the large differences of people, culture, and race. While diversity is a beautiful thing, many people are succumbed to facing stereotypes and racial prejudice that they must overcome. Being able to see each person, as a unique and special individual is an imperative trait that every nurse must have. The Golden Rule comes to my mind when thinking about equality; “Treat everyone, as you would wish to be treated.” We are all human, and no individual deserves more respect than someone else. An additional quality I feel is important for a nurse to have is altruism. Altruism is the practice of unselfish concern for the welfare of others. This is essential when caring for patients. Each patient will be a complete strange yet you will do everything in your power to help with each and every single need. A nurse must be able to look at the patient as someone who needs help and will be required to put his or her needs before her …show more content…
Learning in an educational environment where I will develop lasting relationships, great technical skills, and advanced knowledge of Christian morals and values will benefit me throughout the course of my career and also personally in my relationship with God. Professionally, I feel I will be better equipped to face each patient’s individual needs because of the Christian values Cal Baptist instills in each student in an attempt to make him or her more of an understanding, caring, and compassionate person. I seek to improve people’s physical state of health while leaving in my wake encouragement and love that will truly heal. Additionally, I know having the religious courses intertwined into the rigorous school routine will be beneficial in my personal life. The peace and happiness that comes from learning about the things of God will bring a positive light into my life. Without a doubt, attending Cal Baptist University would be one of the greatest honors. I would leave with nothing but rich learning experiences and fond memories that will reside within me forever. Advancing in the field of nursing is not only a professional success, but personal success as well. Nursing is not a conscious choice that was cultivated by a college counselor; it is who I am. It’s in my past, present and future. My natural inclination led me to the field of nursing where I found passion and