1.) Is there any diversity ( variation) within the human species?
Using my data as proof I can say that there is most definately variation within the human species. I can say this because if there was no variation then everyone would have had the same results when they measured themselves but looking at the data it is shown that there are a few different results in the categories.
2.) Which measurement category had the greatest diversity? The least? Suggest possible reasons as to why.
The measurement category with the most diversity was the hand span category. The category with the least diversity was the foot length category. A reso I can suggest as to why the foot length category had the least diversity could be that the class has a pretty similar average height and your foot size is based on your height.
3.) At what time in a human’s life do you think there might be the greatest diversity when compared to other humans at the same age? …show more content…
I believe this because everyone is different and will reach different heights and sizes due to their genes and everyone has different genes. While they are still growing humans are pretty similar but when they are fully grown and developed there is a greater diversity.
4.) Choose 1 animal or plant species and discuss the amount of variation in that species.
Felis catus is a species that includes all domestic cats. There is lot’s of variation within this species such as color, size and patterns. They have different fur (color and thickness), eyes, and whiskers too.