Diverticulitis Case Study Essay

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Pages: 6

Diverticulitis is an acute inflammation or infection in small pouches locate in the large intestine. People who are older than 60 have higher chance to develop diverticulitis according to the U.S. National Library of Medicine. Diverticulitis is the most common clinical complication of diverticulosis (Stollman & Raskin, 1999). If diverticulitis becomes chronic, the inflammation can progress to more serious complications such as abscesses in bowel, fistula formation in abdominal, and bowel perforation which may cause bowel obstruction. Diverticulitis can also progress to sepsis. Sepsis occurs when the immune system is overwhelmed in responding to infections, and therefore becomes overreacted and induce inflammation throughout the entire body causes tissue damage, organ failure and even death. In addition, sepsis can affect the abdominal and causes diverticulitis so sepsis can be a cause and a complication of diverticulitis. (Hotchkiss, Monneret, & Payen, 2013)
Case Study
This case study was conducted from November 8th, 2017 to December 8th, 2017. The focus of this study is patient WJ, who
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There is no digestion occurs in the large intestine, the major functions of the colon are to reabsorb water, electrolytes, and some vitamins. It can absorb 3 to 5 times more than usual when the small intestine is not digesting and absorbing. (Rees-Parrish, 2005) The other major function of the colon is to serve as the site for the formation and storage of feces. There are 400 different species of bacteria live within the colon to ferment fiber and resistant starch to support the tissue growth in the colon. The bacteria also produce biotin and vitamin K in the colon. Maintaining an optimal balance of intestinal flora is significant in keeping the health of the colon and preventing disease. (Nelms, Sucher, Lacey, & Roth,