The film set in the deep South in 1858, about a slave who gains his freedom with the help of Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), a German bounty hunter, and sets out to rescue his wife from a brutal Mississippi plantation owner is an intriguing story with very graphic action scenes. The plot of the story begins as Dr. Shultz buys Django (Jamie Foxx), a black slave, from some traveling slave owners. He buys Django because he is chasing a pair of outlaws known as the Brittle Brothers and Django is the only person who knows what they look like. As the plot develops, Dr. Schultz and Django become allies and work together to achieve each other’s personal goals; Dr. Schultz wants to track down and …show more content…
The United States today is considered a low-power distance culture because power is not concentrated in a specific group of people. As can observe in the film, Back in the Antebellum South, the United States was a high-power distance culture, because most of the power was concentrated to people with white skin. Whites and people of color had a complementary relationship of unequal power. Whites enslaved blacks and looked at slavery as a business or an essential necessity. For the slaves themselves it was a forced way of life because they had no rights or freedom to live any other way.
Slave Culture and Rebellion, downloaded May 8, confirms that the treatment of black slaves, as depicted in the film Django Unchained, is correctly aligned with how slaves were actually treated in history. Black people were bought, sold, and treated like property. Slaves didn’t matter to anyone and owners could as they wished with them. In chapter 11 of the Interpersonal Communications textbook, printed in 2012, talks about the characteristics of power, which is “the ability to manipulate, influence, or control other people or events.” Slave owners used a variety of horrific treatments to control their slaves and keep them in fear. This fear gave power to the owners and kept slaves submissive. Misconduct that caught the slave master’s attention would see his fury. This idea is evident in this film through