Dna Profile Research Paper

Words: 1426
Pages: 6

The purpose of this investigation is to investigate if everyone’s DNA profile should be stored on a DNA database. Three intended student leanings will be addressed, including M16.1, M17.1 and M17.2. This will take place by investigating the question Should everyone's DNA profile be registered with a database? This will be achieved by investigating the possible individual, social and global negative and positive effects of this idea. A DNA database, is a database containing DNA profiles, which can be used in the analysis of genetic diseases, genetic profiling and criminology. (John Butler, 2003)

DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the hereditary material in humans and almost all other organisms. Every cell
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CRIMTRAC is an Australian service with national fingerprinting and DNA matching capability. Crimtrac’s services ensure officers have access to national information, which helps them to prevent, detect and reduce the incidence of crime in the community. If police are capable of locating a suspect whose DNA was found at a crime scene with speed, it reduces the possible amount of time the potentially dangerous suspect spends within the community. This reduces the chance of the suspects possibly causing harm to innocent citizens of the community, if they are able to be identified and located quickly (Crimtrac, 2016). A similar system, based in the UK (NDNAD), has shown significant numbers of located profiles within the database, and therefore helped to solve many crimes. Figure one, shows the match rate of speculative searches at crime scenes from using the database between 2012-13. This shows how successful a database can be, as for example, at a crime scene, 107 out of 167 searches matched up to a profile contained on the database. This means rather than having to find 167 profiles, they only have to locate 60, due to the other 107 being traced through the