Dnp Competencies

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Pages: 5

Tasked with reviewing and discussing the AACN DNP Competencies and Essentials and connecting them to the DNP/FNP role, nine new DNP students from the University of Portland headed to our first forum post. Participants were armed with a syllabus, articles, and a textbook about DNP practice, our first assignment upon us. Now, it is the purpose of this synopsis paper to review that activity and further glean insights about ourselves and the DNP role as conveyed by the essentials. Identifying the importance of a strong knowledge base for practice, the key to Essential I, was clearly addressed in each forum post. Major points such as the range of scientific knowledge needed from both the natural and social sciences, development of …show more content…
Essential II covers the breadth of organizations and system leadership qualities including accountability, safety, economics, ethics, and health policy according to the AACN. As a theme, participants clearly addressed the aspect of the DNP role where the DNP/FNP helps to create patient protocols for best practice, participating on boards, promoting organizational change, assuming advanced leadership roles, and developing health policy. Being aware of the balance between providing care and cost containment and a strong understanding of change theory and the DNP/FNP role in facilitating change were also strong threads addressed by multiple participants. Only two students clearly identified the aspect of the DNP role where the DNP ensures that an ethical standard is followed and that the DNP is educated to develop effective strategies for managing ethical dilemmas. It is unclear
Running head: DNP Core Competencies – A Synopsis Paper 3 why only two students addressed this aspect directly or why this was not identified in the responses,