Does Make-Me-Smarter-Pills Increase Concentration And Learn

Words: 482
Pages: 2

Introduction: The focus of this experiment is to test if ‘Make-Me-Smarter-Pills” increase concentration and learning through using different difficulty levels of Sudoku puzzles to stimulate the brain. Increasing cognitive ability would be helpful on a number of levels. Particularly, with this information, teachers would be able to alter their style of teaching in a way that most benefits their students. Also, this information would aid students in appropriate study procedures and overall academic performance. Many individuals believe increasing concentration and learning is a learned skill. However, this experiment will test how a drug alone increases the ability to concentrate and learn. The hypothesis is, Make-Me-Smarter-Pills will increase both concentration and learning, through increasing beta wave amplitude because beta is the concentration wave.
The experiment was conducted by using a sample size of 500 subjects. There were two control groups of
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Each member in control group one was asked to work on a level one difficulty Sudoku puzzle to the best of their ability. Each subject in control group two was asked to work on a level two difficulty Sudoku puzzle to the best of their ability. Both experimental groups received the actual Make-Me-Smarter-Pill drug. Each subject in experimental group one was asked to complete a level one difficulty Sudoku puzzle to the best of their ability. Each subject in experimental group two was asked to complete a level two difficulty Sudoku puzzle to the best of their ability. All four groups were given one hour to complete the Sudoku puzzle. While they were working on the puzzle, each subject was hooked up to an electroencephalogram to measure brain activity. The electroencephalogram was measuring brain activity for the entire hour. The brain wave that was focused on was the frequency beta waves because they measure concentration and