Let us begin with bathing. You should certainly bath your dog and you should do it regularly. Most veterinary officers will tell you that you should bath the dog at least once each month. Scrub it gently with shampoo and a brush and make sure to rinse thoroughly afterwards. These actions will help keep the skin fresh and free from infection. On the flip side, do not bath your dog as frequently as you bath yourself. Daily baths are definable good for you but certainly not for your dog as they will lead to loss of essential oils on the dog's skin resulting in irritation and scratching. You skin on the other hand is able to quickly replace the oils …show more content…
Use brushes that will not cause abrasions and do it gently. Move the brush along the hair fibers and not against them. When you brush properly, the dog will have a very appealing look. It will even look shinny and sleek, making it fun to walk in the park with. If the dog has long hair or fur, you may want to trim it. Hair clippers should be on hand for this and run the clipper gently through the hair. Please, do not do these procedures hurriedly because apart from doing a shoddy job, you can actually cause injury. Avoid clipping too close to the dog's skin. Remember, you are reducing the hair, not "undressing your dog". It is not safe to do this because that hair has a protective