Don T Limit Your Teenagers Screen Time Analysis

Words: 665
Pages: 3

Technology is a thing of our time, it is advancing as we speak, meaning there is less and less time to interact with the real life. Almost everything now in days has some sort of relation to technology. The more teens spend their time on the internet, the more they lose time to do an activity in reality. For that reason, I would agree that teens who spend too much time online, should be limited to it. Spending time on the internet can have its positives, but not as much as there are negatives. Obsessing on the internet not only wastes most of a person's time, but limits their time in the real life. As Grace mentions in the comments below the article, “Don’t Limit Your Teen’s Screen Time” written by Chris Bergman, she says teens “can learn to communicate on the internet, but it’s hard to interact in real life.” I find this quote completely accurate, if teens only learning to …show more content…
Not only does a parent become concerned with their teen when they aren't spending any time outside, but they also become concerned when their child is gaining weight. Obesity has risen over the years although it really isn’t a surprise to anyone now. Grace mentions, “the percentage of adolescents aged 12-19 years who were obese, increased from 5% to nearly 21% and it is linked to screen time.” It is quite obvious that reducing the time a teen spends online along with having them do some sort of activity would not only reduce their chances of becoming obese, but would also mean they aren’t as isolated from the world as they would be on the