Don T Stay In School Analysis

Words: 459
Pages: 2

What does it mean to be smart? Is being able to solve complicated math problems or remember every little fact in science the only way someone can be smart? Although most people think that is how you become smart, being smart can also be being able to excel in a subject, whether it be something educational like math, or athletic related like a sport.
A theory called the Theory of Multiple Intelligences, created by psychologist Howard Gardner, is a theory that suggests the existence of other “intelligences”. These intelligences consist of kinetic intelligence, such as being able to dance well, and logical intelligence, such as being able to solve math problems, along with several other intelligences. This theory supports the thesis because it states that being able to solve math problems is the only way someone can be smart.
Also, in the YouTube video “Don’t Stay in School” by musical artist Boyinaband, it talks about how real life skills aren’t taught in school and facts such as the quadratic equation are taught in its place. This relates to the thesis as with the message, as how well people do in math, science, English, etc. is
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Khan discusses the differences between growth and fixed mindsets, and how having a growth mindset is more beneficial. He also talks about how praising someone’s process is better than praising what they’re already good at. A growth mindset is one where someone tries to do something and focus on their process rather than the end result, and by extension face challenges and fail. However, a fixed mindset is where someone believes that they will never get better at something and stick to what they are good at. The message that someone who will face challenges will improve their ability to smart relates to the thesis by showing that as long as someone doesn’t only stick to what they’re good at they can improve their