Don T You Test Me Research Paper

Words: 855
Pages: 4

Scarlett Oaks
Don’t You Test Me... In the United States, approximately 100 million animals are killed each year from animal testing for curiosity-fueled experiments, scientific research, as well as drug, cosmetic, and chemical use. Products for commercial use, such as hair dye, mascara, eyeliner, and other types of makeup are tested on animals to ensure safety for human use. When being tested on animals, the eyes are clamped open with a clip to ensure proper absorption. Although it can be good for finding cures to illnesses or for scientific use, animal testing for commercial use is cruel and inhumane, because many animals are subject to force-feeding, physical restraints, inflicted burns, wounds, decapitation, skull-drilling, crushed spinal cords, self-mutilation, and even neck breaking. The animals are not able to speak or say how they are being affected like humans can, but they can still suffer and feel extreme discomfort and pain. There is no reason we should be testing on living, suffering things when there are non-suffering alternatives to animal testing.

Many people that are for animal testing argue that there is no better non-human alternative to testing on animals, and that animals are the only way to test if these products are safe for human use and possible consumption. Chimpanzees are 99% genetically similar to humans, and mice are 98%, which causes many people to
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In the past decade, many alternatives to animal testing have been developed. The most common alternatives include in vitro testing, computer modeling, microbiological studies, and autopsies. In vitro studies are when scientists and researchers test on scientifically cultured human cells and tissues instead of animals. Skin patch tests conducted on humans have also been shown to produce more accurate data, versus the data from testing done on