What are the reasons why I think he should not be president? He is racist, mostly to Muslims, Trump wants to ban Muslims from coming in the U.S. Trump says our political leaders are stupid. Trump said Barrack Obama doesn't have a clue of what he is doing. He does not have a filter on his mouth about other people. He acts in a sexist way towards women, which is very wrong.
Donald Trump is racist to Muslims, because he wants to ban them from the United States. …show more content…
Trump called Hillary Clinton "disgusting" just for going to the bathroom during a debate. He thinks he is better than everybody else because he has a lot of money. We Americans do not need a disrespectful person as our next president. I know that all of that power of being a president will go to his head. Who knows, he might make it a requirement that all Americans would have to wear their hair like his! He is a sexist, cocky, racist critic trying to be our next president.
Some people think that Donald Trump might actually bring some good to America. Many people say he has a tendency to speak and not be embarrassed of himself. More people say that Trump is way ahead of Hillary Clinton in the poll so he must be some good as president. Do you really think he is mature, responsible, and mentally smart enough to take Barrack Obamas place as president?
Donald Trump acts in a racist way to Muslims. Trump wants to ban them from coming into the United States of America. He states his claim of thinking our Political leaders are stupid. Donald does not have a filter on his mouth about other people. He called Hillary Clinton disgusting for going to the restroom during a debate. I think Hillary Clinton has what it takes to be our next president. I want to ask you a question, do you want Donald Trump to be our next president of the United States of America? ( For more information look up Donald