I have chosen this article published in The Week magazine written by Paul Waldman, for my analysis and opinion. It is evident after reading this article that the author does not support Donald trump and his campaign for the presidency. It is possible that there are many possible reasons for his choice, but the one he highlighted in this article is about his concerns for tax returns of the Donald Trump. He mentioned the fact that Trump has been lying that he is being audited by the IRS due to which he cannot release his tax return where the other hand IRS has proved him totally wrong as they stated that there is no effect of auditing over the release of the tax …show more content…
As he allowed in one program that he could be made fun of on anything, but no one can make fun of the size of his wealth. He likes to showcase his wealth and he does not want to be thought of any less. Even he sued one person for criticizing him that he does not have that much size of wealth as he shows off. These actions by him have made me to think about the fact that if he is so sensitive about his wealth may be this is the reason that he does not want to release his tax returns so that people may do not know about the truth about his size of …show more content…
How can be a person so narcissist that he wants to be thought of as a rich person? I agree with the writer that it is possible that he evaluates himself with the size of his wealth. How less of a man he is, if he calculates his value with the value of his wealth? Reading this article has made my thoughts very negative about Donald trump. I don’t think he is an honest man or will ever be fair in his dealings.
He is so concerned about his wealth that he is hiding his tax returns and even risking his presidency for it. Secondly, it is not necessary for the President to release his tax returns. If he is not releasing them now when it is needed most to prove that he is a fair man and it can help him to win the president elections, there is no point that he will ever release them after becoming the president of the America. He won’t ever release them if he ever won the elections and become the president.
He claims to have many profitable businesses and investments which are returning him fairly well. It is possible that there is no truth in them and it’s just a balloon which would burst as soon as the tax returns will be released. Another reason for hiding these tax returns could be the reason that he do not want to disclose the truth about his investments or donations or any other charity work he claims. It is a possibility that just to gain publicity he has used these stunts but there is no reality in