Donald Trump's Argument Against Climate Change

Words: 584
Pages: 3

Perhaps one of the most difficult tasks to solve of the century is climate change. A large reason for this is because it seems as though our country, at least, is split between whether it is true or not. A large misconception is that global warming and climate change are the same. Global warming is the theory that the Earth is warming up at an unprecedented rate, while climate change is the theory that the extreme amounts of CO2 that is being put out by humans is causing Earth’s weather patterns to change, ocean acidification to increase, and even increasing temperatures. Climate change is happening at this very moment and it is increasing. An increased burning of fossil fuels causes the massive levels of CO 2 into the atmosphere. While fossil …show more content…
Almost everyday it seems as if there is a new argument for or against climate change. This causes people to be deceived by false advertising and to take a side that they should not be on. The fossil fuel industry is estimated at a worth of $4.65 Trillion and an industry that is that successful is almost impossible to stop without government intervention. Unfortunately for ther U.S., Donald Trump is basically a skeptic of climate change and he even appointed Scott Pruitt, a climate change denier, to be in charge of the EPA. Other countries, on the other hand, are actually doing a lot to combat climate change. Canada has proposed a tax plan that would tax up to $50 for each ton of carbon that is emitted. In 2012, over 39% of Denmark’s energy was from renewable energies, they proposed that they will reach over 50% by 2020, and even have a goal of 100% by 2050. Personally, I believe that the U.S. is way behind in reducing carbon emissions and we should try to focus on reducing them. Fossil fuels are a lot cheaper than renewable energy, so the fact that other countries are actually committed to becoming 100% reliable on renewable energy is an amazing thing and the U.S. should follow the example that these countries are setting. Even if we aren’t 50% reliable on renewable energy, less carbon in the atmosphere is better than