Donald Trump's False Allegations

Words: 801
Pages: 4

Donald Trump has been constantly accused of stating false facts in order to influence the public perception. During the presidential debate he was found to have made the following comment on Hillary Clinton and Bill Clinton - “Bill Clinton was abusive to women. Hillary Clinton attacked those same women, four of those women are here tonight … She’s seen laughing on two occasions, laughing at rape” and “Bill Clinton had to pay an $850,000 fine to one of the women. Paula Jones, who’s also here tonight.” This was his response to the question relating to the disrespectful comment that he made 11 years ago about his sexual misconduct. He made this statement to deviate the topic and defend himself from the accusation of disrespecting women. As per …show more content…
It has been known that Bill Clinton has had a bad and a long history of sexual assault allegations. It won’t be a surprise if some new revelation comes up regarding his past. Taking advantage of this, Donald Trump played his cards and lied about him paying $850,000 fine to a woman. This can influence the perception of the voters. Due to the series of events relating to Bill Clinton and different women, voters can expect such a thing or a related thing to be true. On the face of it, they would expect the false allegations by Trump to be true. Until and unless someone does a detailed investigation on the authenticity of such statements or read the facts checked by different organizations, he/she won’t be aware of the truth and would assume these allegations by Trump to be accurate due to the high expectancy of such events. Hillary, being Bill Clinton’s wife, will have a direct impact of this on her image. Voters might believe that she wasn’t able to manage her personal life well. As the news about Bill Clinton was all over the media in the past they would expect Hillary to take an action and be a role model. Voters will perceive this in a negative light and think that Hillary, even though being aware of this, wasn’t able to take an adequate action on this. This impact will be translated to loss of vote making Trump a winner. Also, the voters will have a change in perception due to figure-ground effects. In this, organized pattern forms figure against a background. Ground tends to play an important role in structuring the perceived figure. These statements by Trump create a ground for the voters which directly impact their perception. They start seeing Hillary from the Trump’s angle making Trump get more