Joanne utilizes the large pores found on her light green hands. Her large pores allow her to secrete her goo out a lot more easily. Joanne also relies on her webbed fingers to shoot out her goo. The thin, flexible skin between her long fingers allow for a higher hand surface area, ultimately increasing the amount of goo she can shoot. Although many humans have eleven joints in their hands, Joanne’s hands are composed of twenty joints! Extra joints allow Joanne to shake her hands above normal speeds and set off her goo shooting abilities. Imagine two wrists, five fingers, twenty joints, all shaking simultaneously. From inside her hands, the gooase and blood mix together and coagulate into a slimy precipitate before being projectiled out of the many large pores found throughout her hands. The slimy, dark green goo finds its target and rapidly solidifies in place, trapping its victim where he stands. In conclusion, Joanne’s superhuman hands are the key to her powers, and without them, Joanne the Goo Girl probably would not