SQL website hacking (get into websites Database of users, account numbers, names, addresses, etc)
3rd party cookies
Google analytics cookies
HTTP cookies
Software sniffers
All these can be stored on other servers that you cannot have access to. Meaning if you get caught, this information is readily available to forensic agents and there is nothing you can do about it.
1) What is a cookie? A cookie is like a packet that contains all the vital information you have done at that time. Each chunk in the cookie shows you the date and time you accessed that site, what areas you clicked on, your shopping cart information and how many times you looked at that site. It’s a lot information wrapped up into a file size of a few bytes, and doesn’t take much room on your computer. This can help the computer access the site again much faster than when you first clicked on it. It stores temporary files to your computer so it does not have to load fresh from the site each time.
What that means for digital forensics?
You are able to see when the site was last visited and by what IP address. The IP address shows you the computer name and the user who was signed in at that date and time. Although IP address change each time you open up a new browser, your MAC address stays the same. Cookies are hidden in system files and not many users know how to delete them.
What is analytics?
Analytics is used to work up a