Dozer Water Fire Essay

Words: 1581
Pages: 7

The water cannons would be placed as close to the well as they could get without causing damage to the equipment or injury to Red and his team if firefighters. After the water cannons were set in place the valves would be opened and the cannons would shoot massive amounts of water on the area. The ground was so hot that it would produce steam when water contacted it. As the area was cooled the water cannons would be moved closer and closer until they could be placed within one hundred feet of the well head. Each water cannon would produce about one thousand gallons of water a minute with eight to ten cannons being used at once. Red and his team had to engineer a tool remove this nest of debris left behind by the drilling rig. Red came up with a giant water-cooled metal hook. The hook was …show more content…
At first, a small dozer cleared the top layer of the ground. Clearing the top layer would remove and small debris and rocks that remained after the blast. The dozer had to move as slow as possible to prevent and debris or rocks from sparking. If a spark were to have happened it could have reignited the gas and killed the team. After the top layer was removed another dozer, rigged with a landscaping device would remove the dirt from around the well head. Red and his team dug a hole around the well head about eighty feet in diameter and fifteen to twenty feet deep. They would dig until they found pipe that was undamaged. Once undamaged pipe was located they determined that the braided head was on crooked. Red and his team must remove the casing in order to cut the pipe off level to where a new head can be put on. Another reason why the hole had to be dug so deep. For the men to cut the casing parts off they have to use anti spark saws. Each man would saw until he was tired then another man would take over. All blades were kept lubricated during this time to reduce the chances of static