Dr. J and the Ancient Secret Essay

Submitted By Elijah-Thorne
Words: 498
Pages: 2

Elijah Thorne
PSY 3182
Psychodynamic (Psychoanalytic) theory and therapy
Psychodynamic therapy, also known as insight-oriented therapy, focuses on unconscious processes as they are manifested in a person’s present behavior. The goals of psychodynamic therapy are a client’s self-awareness and understanding of the influence of the past on present behavior. In its brief form, a psychodynamic approach enables the client to examine unresolved conflicts and symptoms that arise from past dysfunctional relationships and manifest themselves in the need and desire to abuse substances
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Cognitive-Behavioral theory (Behavioral)
Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) approaches are rooted in the fundamental principle that an individual’s cognitions play a significant and primary role in the development and maintenance of emotional and behavioral responses to life situations. In CBT models, cognitive processes, in the form of meanings, judgments, appraisals, and assumptions associated with specific life events, are the primary determinants of one’s feelings and actions in response to life events and thus either facilitate or hinder the process of adaptation. Humanistic (Existential) theory and therapy
Views human beings as basically good and positively, with the freedom to choose all of their actions and behaviors in their lives. What motivates behavior is "self-actualization," of the desire to always seek out to become something more of oneself in the future. Because an individual can be conscious of his or her own existence under this theory, that person is also fully responsible for the choices they make to further (or diminish) that existence. Responsibility is a key ingredient of this theory, for all humans are responsible for the choices they make in their lives, with regards to their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.
Eclecticism theory and therapy
In eclecticism, there is no one right or guaranteed way of approaching any given