Dreamgirl Research Paper

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Pages: 3

Born in Hyderabad, India on October 3rd, 1999, I came to the US sometime in 2000, when I was less than a year old. When my parents got married, my dad used to get dreams about his first child and that she would be a girl, and his little princess, so that’s how I got my name: Swapnapriya Mudapalli. Swapna- means dream, and Priya- means darling/beloved, ultimately making Swapnapriya- Dreamgirl. My Family consists of my mom, my dad, my sister and myself.
As I was growing up, I have lived in many different places and went to many different schools, therefore I have experience interacting with all different kinds of people whether it be based on personality, or based on age, race, religion, etc. Since I was 12, I have been responsible to take care of younger children as a babysitter, and have been one since. I enjoy working with kids and understand that the way you act and
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Since I do have the responsibility of taking care of children, I know that you need to possess certain qualities to be able to be an effective babysitter. Out of these qualities, I think I would say I’m patient, easygoing, caring, and loving when it comes to how I act around children. I actually am hyper sometimes, and this often comes in handy when I’m dealing with kids who are just loaded with energy. This also explains how on the Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences survey, my highest score was in the Bodily/Kinesthetic area. On a different note, I’m not the kind of person that gets mad easily, you have to work a little harder to make me mad, than you would have to for others, and the reason is that I’m good at not letting things get to me, so I rarely ever get mad unless you actually hurt my feelings, or you hurt me physically. If it has to do with a child’s behavior I know how to put my foot down, and make myself clear, but there’s no reason to get mad there, unless, as I said before, someone gets