When drinking alcohol in excessive amounts, it is easy for a person to then change from a casual drinker to a chronic drinker.One night it might just go from a few drinking with some friends to multiple drinks just to function.Certain people are more prone to be an alcoholic also known as a chronic drinker. These people are normally already seeing problems with their relation and turns to more drinking to help cope with the pain or suffering that is happening.When a person becomes a chronic drinker, they are then categorized as an alcoholic who is suffering from Alcoholism. Per the Gale Encyclopedia of public health, the definition describes it as “Alcoholism is a chronic physical, psychological, and behavioral disorder characterized by the excessive, compulsive, and uncontrolled consumption of alcohol” (Frey 2013). Today in this day in age researchers have found that alcoholism is a disease. This disease causes people to become secretive and consumed by the addiction to the alcohol. When an individual in a relationship becomes, secretive and consumed by addiction, this can put stress on a relationship and lead to