Essay about drinking and driving

Submitted By meagangroff
Words: 2168
Pages: 9

Individual Assignment 1
Meagan Groff
MCS 3600: CIP
Feb. 25, 2015

Introduction This experimental study is being done to better understand the effectiveness of anti-drinking and driving advertisements on university-aged students. “Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among 16 to 25 year olds, and alcohol and/or drugs are a factor in 55% of those crashes” (Madd, 2013). Increasing the effectiveness of anti-drinking and driving advertisements could be a solution to this critically high mortality rate in young people. The main purpose of this study is to better understand the effect of positive and negative anti-drinking and driving advertisements within different settings and different amounts of times.
Literature Review Studies have shown that university aged students are affected by anti-drunk driving campaigns (Cirmaru, Lavack & Markewich, 2007). Some studies have even shown the effectiveness of ads with varying motives (Wickramarachchi, 2013). In this area research falls short on certain factors such as location of these ads and the distance between seeing the ads and duration of the ads’ effect.
Study One The first study to take place within this experiment is a 2 by 2 design. The first factor will be message valence being positive vs. negative while the second factor is message setting being an academic setting vs. a relaxed setting. This experiment is designed to test whether university-aged students respond better to positive or negative anti-drinking and driving advertisements in an academic setting, the University, or within a relaxed setting, a local bar or pub.

Hypotheses for Study 1
H1: University students will respond better to anti-drinking and driving advertisements within the relaxed setting more effectively than the academic setting whether the advertisement is positive or negative.
H2: University students will better respond to a positive or negative anti-drinking and driving advertisement within an academic setting.
Two groups, one group for academic setting and one for the relaxed setting of 10 university students will be used in this 2 by 2 design. The students will be offered a credit within one of their third year marketing courses, while ensuring they are legal drinking age to participate within this study. There will be two sets of this type of study, one for a negative drinking and driving advertisement and another for a positive drinking and driving advertisement (see appendices 1 and 2). The four different groups will be taken to the setting, where a negative or positive advertisement will be shown. Then, the students will be asked to causally consume 1 to 2 alcoholic beverages with the advertisements still in sight within the setting. The students will then be asked a few questions regarding if they decide to drink and proceed to drive home or find a safer alternative to make it home.
The first group will be tested for the effectiveness of a positive advertisement within an academic setting. The advertisement, shown in Appendix A, will be placed around the university setting where the participants will be asked to meet the researchers. The researchers will ask the students to walk around and read the many different positive advertisements while consuming one to two provided alcoholic beverages. The advertisements placed within this setting are priming the students about drinking and driving. After an hour within this setting, the students will be asked whether or not they would continue to drink and drive home or find a safer alternative. This structure will also be used to test the effectiveness of a negative advertisement, shown in Appendix B, within an academic setting using 10 different students. The next group will be tested for the effectiveness of a positive advertisement within a relaxed setting. An ideal location for this test would be a local pub or bar within range from the university. This