Drive Sober: Violence In The Media

Words: 841
Pages: 4

Drive Sober Advertising is an exceptional way to bolster a brand's sales or make their given message heard. The objective of an ad is to expose the audience to a product or message. The purpose is to intrigue viewers about a given thing or change their perception about it as a whole. This campaign to end drinking and driving appeared on the Ecovia effort to stop violence in January 2013. This organization doesn’t sell products, they only intend to produce meaningful ads. By using a person inflicting a punch to another person with vehicles in bright color drawn on themselves, Ecovia stirs up an emotional ad that intends to terminate drunk driving. This powerful image has a black backdrop with two males standing in front. It features one's face and another's arm. The black background was an excellent choice. It really aids in making the image pop out at you. The main character is the man getting punched. He is the only completely visible …show more content…
The violence being put on view by the man with a pickup truck drawn on his hand punching another man with a car drawn on his jaw acting as if it were a wreck is significant. It’s the foremost action in the picture. The collision can only simulate a sheer representation of actual vehicles running into each other. The physical pain of this action is mere to what is likely to happen while drunk driving. After all the deaths that occur every day due to this, people are still dumb enough to do it, and that’s why the problem continues to grow. “Don’t Drink and Drive” is something that commercials and ads have etched into people's minds, or at least you’d think so. I think it should be engraved into every single steering wheel. The characters can only portray so much as literal death is likely to occur during a wreck. It has a reinforcing meaning behind it. Drunk driving not only puts the one doing it in danger but every innocent family