Drug Driving In Aotearoa Essay

Words: 1454
Pages: 6

Research Assignment

Article One – (appendix 1)

Blazed - Drug Driving in Aotearoa

This video advertisement is focusing on parent child-rearing practices and the influences family have on children’s development. The video begins with three children in a stationary car outside waiting for their fathers as they are getting high in the house. The children then role-play the actions, gestures and language their fathers use when they are driving high on marijuana. The advertisements ends with one of the children going into another car with their father to drive home with a quote “Drug driving, is it really that safe?”

This advertisement demonstrates how children are influenced by their parent’s actions and ways of life. As the
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The importance of children’s voice and perspective is demonstrated through this study. Their perspectives were captured through using different methods such as photography and interviews being carried out in different social contexts. Over an eighteen-month period, information was gathered from five children who were four years olds. A range of interview methods in different contexts where used such as one-on-one interviews, group discussions, and informal conversations.

The focus of this study was for the children to express and demonstrate their perspectives on their own learning and this was assisted with the method of photographs. Children were shown photographs of themselves or others participating and contributing to an activity one to three weeks after the photograph was taken. The rationale for the photographs was to prompt the children’s cognitive skills of recall and reflection to stimulate conversation about their perspective of what was occurring. The photography method was a reliable way to get information from child as both the researcher and child could relate to what had happened, therefore creating reciprocal and responsive communication (Smith, Duncan & Marshall,