Dttls Unit 4 Essay

Submitted By AngelaSantoro1
Words: 969
Pages: 4

The purpose of assessment is checking that learning has occurred. It takes place at any stage before or during the course. GREY ET AL. (2005:50) “Assessment is the process by which evidence of student achievement is obtained and judged. Ecclestone (1996) points out that assessment requires two things: evidence and a standard or scale. This gives you the chance to plan your lessons accordingly. There are many ways in which assessments can be carried out, some of which I will explain further on.
Assessment approaches need to promote learner engagement and ensure appropriate support so that all learners can achieve their aspirational goals and maximize their potential.
When choosing assessment methods, it is useful to focus on the immediate task of assessing student learning in that particular unit of study. The primary goal is to choose a method, which effectively assesses the objectives of the unit. Choice of assessment methods should be inline with the overall aims of the course, and may include the development of problem solving skills and support the development of self-evaluation.
When considering assessment methods, it is particularly useful to think first, about what qualities or abilities you are trying to install in the learners. It is also important not to seem discriminating in any way and supportive to any learners who may have additional needs, giving the best opportunity to demonstrate their ability in respect to the course.
There are wide ranges of assessment methods used to measure learning some I will touch briefly, two of these methods can be for my subject area, on which I will elaborate. When assessing you should follow;

Authentic Sufficient Current Reliable
Different assessment methods have their own strengths and weaknesses for both the assessor and the learner.

Assessment methods can be:

Formative – the purpose is to indicate the effectiveness of teaching and learning. Formative assessment and the way it is used, is crucial to effective learning and teaching. It can identify areas of learning forgotten or misunderstood by the pupil, reveal unsuspected knowledge of skills, identify possible barriers and provide information on relevance, pace and interest of teaching for a learning group.
Diagnostic – to indicate strengths and weaknesses of the learner.
Summative – for recording and reporting purposes at the end of the unit.
Informal – on-going for teacher and pupil information.
Self and peer assessment.
Verbal/oral- questions are asked in efforts to establish depth of knowledge and are useful assessment tool to complement observation in order to check understanding.
Observation – this is used in practical situation when a learner demonstrates their competence or natural ability while the assessor observes them. You can also observe group work, encouraging
Simulation – this is similar to observation, but uses a simulated activity rather than a task or natural performance. While this method is not generally supported by National Vocational Qualifications it can be appropriate when using high cost materials or in dangerous situations.
Project and Assignments
If assessment is to be seen as a valuable tool and respected by learners it must be seen to work effectively. For my subject area I would concentrate on Formative assessment and Initial /Diagnostic assessment.

Formative Assessments
“Formative assessment is also known as ‘continuous assessment’ this means it is ongoing, this give the learner the opportunity to know how they are progressing, giving them the opportunity to improve.” (Wilson 2009). This type of assessment is very motivational as it is seen as a review rather than an assessment, helping learners to progress and maximize their potential.
Formative assessment method helps the learner to constructively identify achievement and areas for further improvement. The teacher is able to evaluate the effectiveness of his own teaching to date, and to plan future lessons based upon