Arguably ranked highest among his values, “Selfless Dedication” is the foundation of outstanding leadership. Showing complete “dedication to the task at hand” is a hallmark of Eisenhower’s character and mostly what he is remembered for. In addition, Eisenhower had the aptitude to learn from his superiors, observing their challenges and how they overcame them, as he said of one of his commanders once he refused “to let ambition or personal preference color his judgment or actions,” a quality that Eisenhower strove to emulate in his life. As well as Eisenhower having the “fortitude... to stand strong under reverses, to rise from defeat and do battle again,” he exemplified the use of improvisation and never failed to “learn from one's mistakes and push on to the ultimate goal” (Eisenhower). Strong character, selfless dedication, mental grit, and fortitude were the foundation of Eisenhower's success as an outstanding leader. Furthermore, as a leader, Eisenhower sought personal self-improvement and continuously worked to improve his working knowledge pertinent to his military and political careers. He saw this as a cornerstone of effective