Dynastic Cycle

Words: 576
Pages: 3

In the Dynastic cycle, the zhou and Qing Dynasties of ancient China showed similar periods of decline. Their where many simmilarities and difference in these two dynasties. The period of decline is what i am spesificly writing about. The period of decline is ussaly afer the dynasties had the good times and everything went well then bad things started to happen.

To start off i will do the similarities of both dynisties the zhou and the qing. First of all i see this action happining in most dynisties not just the zhou and qing, they both started to ignore the poor. They did this because the leaders where gowing currupt and wanted more money for them selves. Second they lacked on making trade safe so it becaome dangoures. Trade became dangoreos because the leaders started to care more about them selves then trade. as a result less trade started going on. Third more wars started to happened in china. Some of these wars where attacks from “barbarians” others where the states of china going to war. Lastly one thing that happened was natural disasters, these natural disasters not only dammaged building but also damaged crops so food shortages happened and the price went up on food. To make things worse some people could not afford food so then the population went down so less food was madeand it just reapeted unless some thing happened to fix all of this.
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First, they started to see an increasment of poverety. This happened because the zhou wanted more money so they took it from the people and as a result the poverty level went up. Second, at the beggining the zhou let local governers rule which was good at first but then the governers wanted more power and then it got out of hand. Lastly, the zhou could not solve all of the government problems that occured. They where so busy solving these problems they had no time for the