Eating Disorders: A Case Study

Words: 937
Pages: 4

1. The headline is "I survived "ED"", ED stands for eating disorder therefore showing that Robbie the young lady which the article is about survived her eating disorder.

2. Robbie's anxiety was about her food consumption and would either vomit it out in the bathroom or exercise it out in gym just so that she would lose a lot of weight and would not gain weight as she was worried about her weight in a negative way.

3. Anorexia Nervosa - This is the constant restraint on eating food leading to a significantly low body weight. This is a psychological condition not just physical as this is losing weight from the "intense fear of gaining weight", even if you are already underweight.
Bulimia Nervosa - Bulimia can be described as a "normal-weight
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While the first two eating disorders can be considered "restrictive", binge eating disorder does lead to weight gain.
Ultimately, the defining characteristic of many of these illnesses is the disturbance in the way you experience your body. (HuffPost, 2018)
Life Transitions as Potential Cause of Anorexia - The beginning of adolescence, the end of a relationship, the death of a loved one, or increased stress at school or work.
Environmental Causes of Anorexia - Some anorexia causes appear linked to the family environment. Parents who place a high value on appearance and thinness by dieting themselves or criticizing their children's appearance can contribute to the development of anorexia.
Cultural Causes of Anorexia Nervosa - In many societies, thinness is equated with beauty, which causes women to feel cultural pressure to be slender. Causes of cultural anorexia can include media images which create unrealistic body image expectations. (Tapia, 2018)
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Many people with BED feel negatively about themselves and their bodies.
Emotional problems, when feeling stress, anger, boredom, and worry people who suffer from BED binge eat. The feelings of worthlessness, depression, and shame that follow a binging episode can trigger them to binge again. So the cycle can go on and on.
History of food issues, painful childhood experiences with food and dieting may also cause BED.(, 2018)

4. Robbie says that her two main reasons for having an eating disorder were her perfectionism and her bullying, which lead to a competitive Weight Watchers eating game. Her need for perfection in her eyes became a fear of not being perfect to herself and others, Robbie became extremely aware of herself image when kids started bullying her about her weight and this lead to her eating disorder.

5. Weight watchers is an international company that works to help people to lose weight the right way by healthy eating plans and exercise that suits your lifestyle.

6. Robbie seemed to mostly suffer from anorexia as she intensely exercised and hardly