The SCE service territory contains a population of nearly 14 million people. SCE has a formal cyber security program that reduces risk and is also engaged in the protection of SCE's customer information. SCE has a tier rate structure, which provides a portion of reasonable energy at the lowest rate and to encourage conservation of energy. Competition between SCE and other electricity providers is conducted mainly on the basis of price. Customers that self-generate their own power are only subject to certain charges. The net result is to increase utility rates further for those customers who do not self-generate.
Both companies operate nuclear plants which encompass many regulations and upkeep. At September 30, 2012, Edison International's recorded estimated minimum liability to remediate its 27 identified material sites and 33 immaterial sites. SCE has projected an estimated minimum liability of $113 for remediation. EMG has had no significant developments relating to environmental remediation since 2011. Overall Edison international believes that environmental costs will not materially affect its results of operations, financial position or cash flows. In San Bruno, one of PGE’s