Overall Expectations: (1-2 addressed in the lesson) Language Arts C2. Comprehension Strategies: Apply comprehension strategies before, during, and after reading, listening to, and viewing a variety of texts, including digital and media texts, by creators with diverse identities, perspectives, and experience, in order to understand and clarify the meaning of texts Content Subject A2. Inquiry: Ways of Life and Relationships with the Environment Specific Expectations: (2-4 addressed in the lesson) Language Arts C2.5 describe how the ideas expressed in texts connect to their knowledge and lived experiences, the ideas in other texts, and the world around them C2.6 summarize the main idea of a text and the supporting details in sequence, and draw a simple conclusion Content Subject A2.1 formulate questions to guide investigations into ways of life and relationships with the environment in a few early societies, including at least one First Nation and one Inuit society, with an emphasis on aspects of the …show more content…
As a class looking through a respectful cultural lens, understanding and learning traditions and unique cultural practices. Students will potentially take a field trip to a local Indigenous land such as Longwoods Road Conservation Area, Ska-Nah-Doht Village and Museum to complete the unit and work towards implementing their new learnings. Describe how your lesson uses multimodal and multisensory learning strategies to engage and support student understanding. 3-6 sentences This lesson specifically utilizes many visual aids and artifacts to guide visual learners through learning new concepts. When students participate in the hands-on group styled activities, this accommodates the kinesthetic learners and students who benefit from peer discussion for learning. Shared reading and class discussion accommodate auditory learners as they