Educ 5420 Unit 1 Research Paper

Words: 1035
Pages: 5

1 Biological Foundations: Puberty, Physical Health, & Psychological Adjustment University of the People EDUC 5420: Adolescent Development Dr. Sushma Murthy April 24, 2023 2 Biological Foundations: Puberty, Physical Health, & Psychological Adjustment People will go through physical and socio-emotional changes during puberty. This can be an insecure, confusing time for adolescents. In addition, adolescents might also run into many things during their development process, which could make their puberty even more difficult than it already is. Educators should learn and be familiar with how students are affected by these factors during adolescence to intervene and help students overcome obstacles to effectively meet their needs and help them focus on their …show more content…
I could point out the diversity of nature and help students learn that humans are just like nature; there are processes of growth and difference. As for the other situation, educators should promote a school-level sexual education session. Some countries or states could be against classroom-level sexual education, but a school-level session could be a lot easier to promote. 5. The session should be offered honestly, and students should have the opportunity to ask the questions they have in mind. In addition, educators can help students learn how to safely access information online. There are also many online tools for educators to introduce to students. Also, teachers should teach students how to identify the difference between sexual activity and abuse and teach them to whom to refer to the problems when they arise. Conclusion: It is normal for adolescents to experience all kinds of things in their puberty development. Nevertheless, the important part is how we, as educators, help them understand and go through the process. Teachers can do that in various ways, such as by introducing them to celebrating diversity and learning how to build relationships with others