Essay on Education: Education and Observed Class Session

Submitted By vivienzhengw
Words: 665
Pages: 3

Classroom Observation Form
CourseTitle/Section: Instructor

Length of Course: Observer: Subject Matter Treated in Lesson:

Length of Observation: Date:

Learning Organization and Management
1. During the observed class session(s), to what extent did the instructor demonstrate the following behaviors? Completely a. Started and ended class on time Comments: Adequately Minimally Not at all Not applicable

b. Was prepared to conduct class Comments:

c. Ensured that students were engaged in the learning activities planned for the class session Comments:

d. Noticed when a student or students were not engaged and took action to involve the student(s) in the class activity Comments:

e. Clearly explained the learning objectives for the class session Comments:

f. Summarized the major points at the end of the lesson Comments:

Knowledge of Subject Matter
2. During the observed class session(s), to what extent did the instructor demonstrate the following behaviors? Completely a. Explained concepts clearly Comments: Adequately Minimally Not at all Not applicable

b. Gave “real-world” examples to illustrate concepts Comments:

c. Responded adequately to student questions Comments:

Classroom Observation Form © 2006 Community College Survey of Student Engagement Permission granted for unlimited copying with appropriate citation

Teaching Style
3. During the observed class session(s), to what extent did the instructor demonstrate the following behaviors? Completely a. Spoke clearly and audibly Comments: Adequately Minimally Not at all Not applicable

b. Showed enthusiasm for the subject matter and teaching Comments:

c. Treated all students in an equitable manner Comments:

d. Encouraged questions and student participation Comments:

e. Gave students an adequate amount of time to respond to questions Comments:

f. Provided feedback that gave students direction for improvement Comments:

g. Interacted with individual students during the class session Comments:

h. Interacted with students working in small groups during the class session Comments:

i. Elicited feedback validation of student understanding of the material Comments:

j. Used techniques that reflect an awareness of different learning styles Comments:

k. Appropriately used Web-based resources, PowerPoint, or other technological tools Comments:

l. Encouraged or required students’ engagement in out-ofclass activities related to the course (e.g., work with other students, participation in campus events, service learning, email communication with instructor/other students, etc.) Comments:

Classroom Observation Form © 2006 Community College Survey of Student Engagement Permission granted for unlimited copying with appropriate citation

Instructional Techniques
4. During the observed class session(s), what percentage of time was spent on each of the following instructional techniques? 0% a. Lecture Comments: 1-19% 20-39% 40-74% 75-100%

b. Teacher-led discussion Comments:

c. Teacher-student shared responsibility (seminar, discussion) Comments:

d. Student computer use


e. Small group activities Comments:

f. Student presentations Comments:

g. Hands-on