Both writers use their beliefs in a higher being to encourage the reader to share the same views. Bradstreet’s writing contains a subtler approach than Edward’s. In “Here Follows Some Verses upon the burning of our house”, she speaks of God as if His love is redeeming and forgiving. In “Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God”, Edwards preaches of God as if he is angry and impatient. Both believe and pray to the same God, but Edwards inflicts fear upon his readers while Bradstreet only casually speaks of her faith using indirect expressions. Both writers also speak of the afterlife. Bradstreet speaks of the traumatic experience of her house burning down and losing her possession’s. While this occurrence is upsetting, she knows her earthly possession’s mean nothing compared to the home she will be blessed with in Heaven. Edwards speaks to his readers as if no one is promised a home in heaven unless they follow exactly what he