Effective Maintenance of Quality Software Essay examples

Submitted By yasinsindhu
Words: 2788
Pages: 12



Family Name:

Given Name:

Student ID: Course:
|S40028646 | |DIPLOMA IN IT |

Module: Trainer’s name:
|Software Review System | |

Date Due: Date Submitted:
| | | |

Declaration: I certify that this assignment is entirely my own work. I have provided full referencing to the work of others. The material in this paper has not been submitted for assessment in any other formal course of study.

Teacher/Trainer to complete

Mark Awarded: Out Of:
| | | |

Assignment Value:
| |

Teacher’s Comments:
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Assessment methods

|Answers: All the questions are mandatory and contain marks (as shown). If you are submitting answers separately then you must also include |
|questions for all of your answers. |
|Plagiarism. You must compose your answers in your own words. Simply pasting text from the Internet will result in a failing grade. It is better|
|to write your own thoughts in your own words – even if your English is not perfect – rather than copy word-for-word the thoughts of someone else. |
|Submitting identical answers. You may discuss your assessments with other students, but submitting identical answers to other students will |
|result in a failing grade. Your answers must be yours alone. |
|TUTORIALS. Tutorials are run every week to help you answer the assessments. The schedule for tutorials will be announced during the first week |
|of term. You are urged to attend the tutorial that pertains to your online subject. |
|E1. Review quality standards |
|To pass this element, you must demonstrate knowledge of: |
|Review copies of the organisation’s quality standards and international standards related to software development and prepare for use |
|Contact appropriate person to discuss their involvement in the review and establish their role |
|Determine and document the approach to be used to validate the quality during the review