El Cielito Lindo Analysis

Words: 352
Pages: 2

The son “El Cielito Lindo” is performed by Trío Chicontepec. The Trio is integrated by Rolando Hernandez Reyes, Jorge Hernandez and Rafael Camacho Gutierrez who respectively play the violin, the quinta huapanguera, and the jarana. In this well-known son huasteco, we experience some of the characteristic features of sones previously discussed in class. For the first 3 seconds, only the violin is being played, then, on second 4, the huapanguera and the jarana come in with the rasgueo strumming pattern. It is possible to hear the jarana being used to provide rhythmic accents as the violin is used for improvisation. While the vocalist is singing, the violin is playing in the background playing a countermelody and when the verse is done,