Elephant Seals Research Paper

Words: 492
Pages: 2

Where else would you see a mother elephant seal bonding with her baby on a beautiful day? At Ano Nuevo State Reserve you see many wonderful things. You mainly see elephant seals. The males are very tough, the females are very calm, and lastly, the babies are very cute. All of this experience at Ano Nuevo is amazing and an adventure you will never forget. Elephant seals are very interesting creatures and have interesting lives. They have many unique adaptations which make them interesting to study.

Male elephant seals look unique and live a harsh existence. The males have very rough lives. They have lots of fighting. They have big noses and is why they are called elephant seals. To challenge another seal they raise their heads up high and emit a loud bellow. In fact, I saw them fighting myself! They are so fierce it is like two soldiers fighting on the battlefield. Another big part of their lives is mating. In the mating process, the leader has a harem. The males have to be worried about their predators, mainly the great white shark and the orca whale.
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During this period of time, the females stay on the beach for four weeks and lose four percent of their body weight. The mother goes through lots of pain and struggles to get through this. Some babies don’t even survive. This is very sad. Also, some babies have two moms where one mom doesn’t have enough milk to give to the baby the baby has to find another mother. Some mothers try to steal some babies from other moms. The milk that the babies drink is like expired milk and it is