Wiesel tells us how his faith in God was eternal and that not a soul could possibly change his mind about it. Wiesel saw his friends, and his own flesh and blood, humiliated and assassinated . Wiesel also said in his book Night that God, the one who he was so loyal and faithful to, was killed by the Nazis. I believe he said this because life was starting to fall apart for him. Also in the book ,Wiesel changed from a religious Jew to a man who had second thoughts about his faith and about trusting in God. Even though he started to doubt God and doubt if he was real or not, he didn't know if he should continue to trust God because of the bad things that were happening to him and his family. Wiesel stated “For the first time, I felt anger rising within me. Why should I sanctify His name? The Almighty, the eternal and terrible Master of the Universe, chose to be silent. What was there to thank Him for. (3.61-63) Wiesel was confused. Wiesel lost hope in God but he states in Night that “I pray to the God within me that He will give me the strength to ask Him the right question.” So this means he continues to give him glory, and praise his name and pray to him everyday , to try and survive because thats his only way. Wiesel thought praying can help him at this point in time because everything else …show more content…
Elie Wiesel tells us about the families death and the death of his own integrity and to the point where he was suffering . Wiesel didn't care if he was still alive or death anymore because he was just tired. He states in Night that “ We were all going to die here. All limits had been passed. No one had any strength left. Again the night would be long.” (Chap.9) He shows us how they were treated in the concentration camps and how cruel it was for them . Wiesel aware us of World War ll and the racism and the twisted and unfair laws that happened during this time period. Elie also shows us how he tries to survive the hard concentration camps by praying everyday and having faith in his God to bring him out of his