Elisha Walls Research Paper

Words: 484
Pages: 2

Elisha Walls. a mere name to you but to me it means much more. Elisha is the grandmother of many children including me and at some moments in my life I felt as if she was my mother. She helped create the person I am today and I wouldn’t be where I am now without her.

My grandmother was born on April 24,1965 when segregation wasn’t legal but was still present in many peoples mind. She was raised by her single-hardworking mother. Her mother worked in the police force not nessisarly on the field of action but she did play an important role. Because of this her mother did work late hours and every once in a while so my grandma's grandma would step in. Her grandma was a white, blonde haired woman who married a black man. She took proud in
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And during the surgery there were complications leaving her mom dead. Apun her mothers death my granmother was given into the custody of her moms sister scince she hadnt seen hher fater scince the time she was born, her granmother had passed away two years earlier, and because sh had no other family.Sadly her aunt did neglect her mentally and physically. Mentally she didn’t care for Elisha, she wasn’t shown the love that is need for a child to grow and, physically because when my Elishas mom died she had already paid off her house already so the aunt just let her, a 12 year old, live in a house by herself. thought my Elishas mother was dead, due to the system in which she was paid and lufe insurance my mom was given money on a monthly basis. scince she was only a minor all the money she was supposed to receive was sent to her aunt. And when her aunt got the money her aunt only gave my mom enough money to get clothes, grocerys, and other nesistyies but decided to keep all the extra moneey. Scince she was left in a house alone this did make her "popular" she threw parties, got in with the wrong crowd, and had boys over wich did led to her getting prego and 15 and having me, her fist child, at 16. My father was not in