Elizabeth Proctor Narrative Essay

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Pages: 3

Oliver W. Bieszczad Ms. Singer English 10 Honors 27 March 2024 Crucible Narrative It had been almost 10 years since the tragedy of the Salem Witch trials and the countless innocent lives lost to the hysteria. Elizabeth Proctor had given birth years before to a handsome young man named after her late husband, John Proctor. John Proctor Jr was almost 9 and still had no clue why he was named John Proctor Jr or who he was even named after. One day Jr curiously asks his mother, “Who was I named Jr after mom?” “I never told you about him?” responded Elizabeth wondering if she truly never brought it up before. “No Mom, you never said a thing.” “Sit down boy, and get comfy, this is an exciting story you're going to want to hear,” exclaimed Elizabeth, …show more content…
He was a tough and confident man, many people looked up to him for advice and he was a very well respected man throughout the village.” “How come he isn’t with us anymore Mother?” Interrupted Jr. “Be patient, my child, everything will be made clear in the story.” Answered Elizabeth, sighing with a smirk on her face, “Your father had a set of morals that nobody could take away from him and never back down in the face of others.” “Wow, sounds like dad was the perfect man,” said “Unfortunately no, everyone has their flaws, even your father.” “What did he do?” questioned Jr. “He was unfaithful, he had another affair with another woman, Abigail who’s probably out selling herself on the streets right now.” “She sounds like the worst.” pouted Jr looking disgusted. “She was my child, she was the only thing that kept me and your father constantly arguing, he thought I didn’t know but I always did,” Elizabeth said as a tear rolled down her cheek and splashed into a small puddle of water on the splintered floor, rippling the water like throwing a stone into a calm