Embedded Assessment 1: My Cultural Identity

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Pages: 3

Embedded Assessment 1: My Cultural Identity
My cultural identity is different than anybody else in this classroom . I was born in Honduras on December 12, 2001 . I grew up in a small town called Chotepe , in Chotepe I learned to play soccer , soccer now is my favorite thing to do now , my culture is different from others in many ways like food , language , clothing and many other things but those define my culture identity and who I’m
Food is one of the most beautiful gifts of life , Honduran food is one of the best types of
Food that you will ever find in the restaurants , and one of the most popular dishes that you can try when you are in a Honduran Restaurant are the “Baleadas” Baleadas is a big tortilla with beans, cheese, and avocado but you can out almost anything you want on it , if i could compare my family to a dish i would compare us to the Baleadas because my family is really closed just like the beans with the cheese are closed in the center of the tortilla when the beans and the cheese are closed in the tortilla that would mean like a special event for the family and the good thing is that we all get along well.
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In special occasion women dress in folkloric dresses with many different patterns and they come and any color you want . In Honduras we celebrate many holidays like one of my favorites is indians day , is one of my favorites because everybody at schools are dressing up as indians and at the end of the school they have a price for the person that really looked like an indian , the winner gets 100 lempiras lempiras is the honduran bill and in 100 lempiras is like 6 to 5 USD is not a lot but that much money really means something for a kid over there