Embedded Racism In America Summary

Words: 5138
Pages: 21


Embedded Racism in American Society

By John Parker


This book is dedicated to everybody whose mind is open enough for a vision of racial and cultural change. To those young people who are on the front line in the battle against racism, from Ferguson, and coast to coast in the United States. These young people have the leadership and courage to stand up, protest, and show civil disobedience in the fight against this disease that has poisoned and continues to infest our society. I applaud them for the ability to vocalize the injustice in the world, putting their own regard on the back burner.

To the older people who look like myself, and those who don’t, who share a vision with me for a future of less racial
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It declared that "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, nor any place subject to their jurisdiction." That means if you were convicted of a crime, you were not free. Today, there are more Black men in prison than were enslaved in 1860. Is that by random occurrence, or by plan? Considering that our prison system is mostly privatized, I would say that there is a blueprint being …show more content…
After the Civil War ended, the Southern region of the country was left decimated, and the people of the South were hit with the feelings of frustration because of the bad conditions and the drastic changes in the political and economic structure they had grown accustomed to.

The South were ruined. Cities and land owners, that had once known prosperity, were now looking at a bleak future for some time to come. Southerners were less than compliant in conforming to the new laws that were coming down the pike. The people of the South were facing hunger and poverty. It would be similar to living in an occupied country and the new “Reconstruction” government not only challenged, but in many cases altered and destroyed the authority of the southern white rule. The intention of the United States (Union) Government was to destroy the power structure of the