Embryonic Stem Cell Speech

Words: 1107
Pages: 5

Should we create human life only to destroy it? Good morning, my name is Jasmine, and today I will discuss the embryonic stem cell controversy under the topic of the world of science. Stem cells are undifferentiated biological cells, that can be differentiated into one or more specialized cells, or through mitosis can produce more stem cells. There are two types of stem cells that are used broadly, which are embryonic stem cells and adult stem cells. Embryonic stem cells are isolated from the inner cell mass of blastocysts, where adult stem cells, are found in a range of tissues. Human embryos reach the blastocyst stage 4–5 days post fertilization and therefore consist of 50–150 cells. Human embryonic stem cells are thought to have much greater developmental potential than adult stem cells, due to their ability to develop into ANY type of cell, whereas the adult stem cells can develop into many but not all. It is also thought that embryonic stem cells will able us to develop medical treatments we once couldn’t, as the cells won’t appear foreign to the immune system. If you were to receive medical treatment with cells grown from stem cells, the cells would be rejected by the body’s immune …show more content…
Bone marrow transplant is a common form of stem cell therapy, I’m sure you’ve all heard of it? This treatment has been used for many years, without dispute. No stem cell therapies other than bone marrow transplant are widely used today, however, new recurring therapies are now derived from umbilical cord blood to treat diseases such as Pure Red Cell Aplasia. This blood found inside the umbilical cord and has proven to be rich in a type of stem cell called hematopoietic stem cells. These stem cells are not embryonic stem cells, in fact, like bone marrow, they are considered part of the adult stem cell group and therefore free from the controversy that surrounds