Motivation has been discussed in literature as one of the highly valued trait for a leader. In the study of nurse managers in the USA, motivation has a great influence on the staffs and followers. Motivation to change …show more content…
It can be postulated that leaders in the current world are modest and therefore not saying that intelligence is one of their traits. However sociability and social intelligence were mentioned as indirect traits. In the rural area, social intelligence seemed to play a great role in this cohort of interviewed candidates. Emotional intelligence has not shown in the study of 41 senior executives to have any correlation with personality or intelligent quotient (Rosete, 2005). In a meta-analysis consisting of 151 independent samples, relationship between intelligence and leadership was significantly lower than it has been postulated in the past (Judge, 2004). In select situations, Mayor Salovey Caruso emotional intelligence test (MSCEIT), it as shown that there is strong positive co-relationship between the leadership effectiveness and emotional intelligence (Kerr, …show more content…
Agreeableness has been positively related to ethical leadership. In study 222 supervisors in the USA ethical leadership were rated high with the leaders who had agreeableness and conscientiousness (Walumbwa, 2009). In another study related to the five factor model of behaviour, agreeableness was related to higher outcome success in transformational leadership. In 200 organisations collated studies, agreeableness and extraversion were positively correlated to transformational leadership. In this study, transformational leadership traits and characteristics were shown to have a controlling effect on transactional leadership (Judge,