Empowering Ebonies Research Paper

Words: 569
Pages: 3

A group of people who I feel have been oppressed or under served it would be the black women. I would advocate for black women because, for years women have been mistreated. At a certain point in our history women were not allowed to work, their only jobs were to take care of the home while men went out to make the money along with have plenty of kids to help out in the house or outside with the men. In addition to not being able to work, women before the women’s suffrage were not allowed to vote. In the modern day women are able to have jobs along with a family, they are also able to vote to let their voice be heard. Although women came a long way, there is room for improvement. Blacks (my community) have been going through hardship since …show more content…
The funding of this program would come from the government as well as the members and leaders of the group. It is the job of the participants, members and staff to contribute money into the organization. Another form of funding can come from sponsors, any sponsor who is interested in the cause, who wants to see a change in the problems that are addressed can help as well. In order to get the right attention and sponsors Empowering Ebonies needs to be broadcasted, it has to reach out to not only black women but women in general who understands the struggle that women already have and is interested in helping the cause. We would also need to reach out to the people who have black wives or family members. One way to go about this is to have an informing commercial that can get funded or promote a website or even to have a casual setting and invite people to hear what the program is for and how we are trying to make a change and have them choose if they would like to donate to keep the program