English Language Learners

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Pages: 6

Anxiety Found in English Language Learners and How to Reduce Anxiety

When a person comes to a new country and they don’t know the language, the culture and their surroundings are all new, it is easy to understand why that person would be anxious. Unfortunately, anxiety is a very common feeling among ELL students. There are three types of anxiety: trait anxiety, state anxiety and situation specific anxiety.
Trait anxiety is anxiety that is just part of someone’s personality. A person with trait anxiety is seen as a nervous person, a worrier, someone who is easily stressed and anxious (Shabani, 2012). State anxiety is anxiety that results from fear of a particular situation. When an individual has state anxiety they can sometimes have physical or mental paralysis which prevents them from performing a task. In pressure situations, one might freeze and forget the steps in a dance or miss a free throw shot (Trait and State Anxiety, n.d.). Situation specific anxiety is anxiety that repeatedly occurs in specific situations, like public speaking or participating in class (Shabani,
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These factors could affect ELL students. In 1997 McCroskey noted that some children are born with genetic traits with certain personality predispositions. However, he says that people who from early childhood receive negative reactions from others in response to their effort to communicate develop a sense that staying silent is more greatly rewarded than talking. This suggests that the reaction of language instructors to learners’ errors can reinforce the language learners’ fear of making a mistake and can reduce future attempts to communicate (Tanveer,