english literature essay

Submitted By xwallflower
Words: 543
Pages: 3

Essay Structure

-Introduction= overview of the text or novel. (80 words) -Nominate a chapter and possibly a page number where the extract is taken
-Use quotes
-Narrative voice
-Language devices and techniques
-4-7 quotes
-Conclusion (50 words) -All paragraphs linked to question


EFFECT simile simile is a figure of speech that says that one thing is like another different thing. use of “as” “like” to make descriptions more emphatic or vivid alliteration the pairing of identical or similar consonant sounds provides emphasis, and sometimes aids in memory and for dramatic effect. onomatopoeia use of word or words that are indicative of a sound that the source of the sound produces i.e “bang” auditory image, for more vivid description of people, places, and ideas. assonance refers to repetition of sounds produced by vowels within a sentence creates a specific mood, i.e. happy, sad etc... consonance refers to repetition of sounds produced by consonants within a sentence creates a specific mood, i.e. calm, gentle etc... sibilance repetition of ‘s’ , ‘sh’, ‘x’ forceful and vigorous sounds for a physical violent scene personification human attributes and qualities are given to non-human or inanimate object. gives writing a sense of life and helps relate ideas and objects to people. metaphor a phrase of words that makes a comparison between two unlike objects without using the words “like” and/or “as” increases the emotional content and add interest add imager to a piece of writing metonymy substituting the name or something for its attribute or whatever it is associated with takes mundane, ordinary objects with more poetic colour or life oxymoron deliberate combination of seemingly contradictory/opposites words add complexity instead of just stating the obvious hyperbole exaggeration, overstatement for effect used to emphasise and evoke strong feelings or strong impression idiom phrases and words that has hidden meaning expresses in a more colourful way how someone feels about something irony the meaning intended by the author or reader is the reversed of what is being avowed humorous, dramatic, tragic, insulting (sarcastic) or absurd puns a play on words light humour, sometimes in otherwise serious topics e.g death allusion references another work or literature, work or art, historical figure, place or event use to communicate better than what the writer want to say better than he could say.