The Civil Right movement can be defined as the Government obligation to protect one person by another person action because both of them having the equal right (Douglas 115). In the 1950’s the right of voting was growing among people and was protected by protecting the right to vote, between the republican and the democrat’s congress. The civil right commission investigates the violation between people and raised the right for civil right to come together in the department justice. The black Americans were led in the form of bombing and burning houses and destroying churches, properties of the black Americans.
In the 1965, the civil right movement increases the intention of condition of the Residential patterns. Martin Luther King Jr in 1966 focused on the national attention of housing. Before the civil war most black were prohibited from getting education, after the civil war blacks prohibited schools on their own.
Brown V S Board
In Jan 10 the united state Supreme Court Ruling in Brown vs Board education, Guaranteeing equality among student, schools and equal of right and not separate among Black and white students and public schools. The new Yorkers has waited for this for so many years to come reality modern million of student have waited for this to come to reality, whom are person white and black with different colures and different back ground. Because the institution have been in balance in providing resources to school children because it has pervaded our society, for nearly century
The societies have lost so many generations through these difficult times, but now we have the great opportunity to rescue generation to come from the generation for illiteracy. Now we can claim a total victory for all the United States of America. In many years ago children of white and black and poverty have been victims of institutional theft. What was stolen from them is nothing short of their features. This will not change the student who have past, but for now and the feature generation it will be positive than from the tragic system.
The students who have living in poverty in our schools now they will be provided all real “Ladder out of poverty”. The money have been provided to this schools student will be afforded the right learn in safe and sound environment and they will be pressing for funds for this schools greater percentage of schools funding so as we enter the day were we remember the too short life of Rev, Dr Martin Luther King Jr. his struggles, his dreams and his victories, let us dedicate this victory to our children. King and Thurgood Marshal, who prevailed in Brown vs Board of education, are dancing in heaven today; we just may have saved the generation of children today.
Bush should support school Desegregation
Over three years ago the Bush administration announces that would file legal brief challenging. The