The first option was the S. flexneri and it had 15 out of 22 biochemical test matches to the unknown organism. The next choice was P. vulgaris which had 18 out of 22 biochemical test matches to the unknown microbe. Finally, the S. marcescens had 14 out of 22 similar biochemical test matches to the unknown organism. After careful consideration, it was clear to state that the unknown organism that was labeled as 24 was the P. vulgaris. There were some experiments that did not match the P. vulgaris. One of the tests was the mobility test that gave a false negative. This could be due to the organisms not moving in the media. Another test that gave a false negative was the methyl red test. This could have been misread or there was not enough methyl red added into the tube. The urea hydrolysis was another test that gave a false negative. This reading could have been caused by misreading the color that was produced. It was difficult to distinguish between which color it was producing. The last test that gave a false positive was the DNase test. The organism could have produced a false halo and it was read as a true …show more content…
The first biochemical test that was on the chart was the citrate test. This divides the reference organisms in half and examines which organisms can break down the citrate. If the citrate is broken down, then the color of the media will change from a green to blue. If the organism cannot break it down, then the media will stay green and the next test the organism goes through is the indole test. This will test to see if the microbe contains tryptophanase to break down tryptophan. If the organism is able to break it down, then the Kovac’s solution turns into a red or pink color then it will run the final test which is the gelatin test. If the organism can utilize gelatinase enzymes to break down the gelatin, a large amount of liquid will form on top of the gelatin which then identifies the organism as P.