Equality And Diversity In The United Kingdom

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Pages: 3

Equality and Diversity
‘Equality and diversity is a term used in the United Kingdom to define and champion equality, diversity and human rights as defining values of society. It promotes equality of opportunity for all, giving every individual the chance to achieve their potential, free from prejudice and discrimination.’ (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equality_and_diversity_(United_Kingdom))
Key term Definition Equality ‘The quality or state of being equal : the quality or state of having the same rights, social status, etc.’ (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/equality) Diversity • ‘The quality or state of having many different forms, types, ideas, etc.
• : the state of having people who are different races or who have different
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Promoting equal opportunity would be to distribute the books in a fairer and unbiased system.
Identifying the student who is having difficulties and helping them to overcome their personal difficulties is effective management of equal opportunity by encouraging other students to understand the difficulties experienced by some students is also promoting diversity. By enabling all students to prosper and by encouraging other staff, parents and people within the learning community to participate and co-operate with each other is another way that diversity can be promoted.
Equal opportunity and diversity is something that should be promoted and encouraged by everyone, it is two key subjects that can only facilitate and be conducive to a teaching and learning environment. It is also cultural in the sense that the culture if promoted correctly and in the right spirit can only expand and